UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Rhinoplasty Type of Implant

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Rhinoplasty Type of Implant 

Types of Implant for rhinoplasty

The most important part to consider when it comes to rhinoplasty is what implant they will use. 

Although implants that are used for rhinoplasty are safe materials with little tissue reaction, there are pros and cons on each material. Thus, enough consultation is needed before going through surgery. 

Uvom Plastic Surgery recommends and decides suitable implant for each patient considering their nose shape and condition. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Rhinoplasty Type of Implant 

1. Artificial implants 


Silicone has been used for the longest time, and the most common implant that is used in plastic surgery field. The shape doesn’t change or absorb. 

Also, since it has low chance of allergy and tissue reaction in body, infection rarely happens, and compared to goretex, it is easier to be shaped in detail. 

Silicone fits for those who have thick skins and low nasal bridge, but it can be shown through skin sometimes. 

Weakness of silicone implant are, that nasal bridge might be unsettled or contracted by calcification or too much of capsules and if it is not fixed well, the bridge can wobble. 


Silitex is an implant which combines silicone with goretex. It contains the natural texture of goretex and sculpts the bottom part of silicone so that the shape can last stably without risk that implant gets low as time goes on. In addition, it is easy to remove when they need revision surgery. 


It has natural texture compared to silicone with less side effect and suits people who have thin skins. 

It has been known as an implant which can’t be easily removed when reoperation is needed, however, for skillful surgeons who have long experience doesn’t have difficulty in it. Since the implant is soft, there is a chance of deformation of implant. It tends to be contacted after long time, so 5~10 % of original height from surgery can be lowered. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Rhinoplasty Type of Implant 

2. Autologous tissues

Autologous tissue is from their own body, has low allergy reaction but duration of surgery can be longer from the process of harvesting. 

However, autologous tissue is significant element as nasal tip is made by the tissues without implant during rhinoplasty, therefore, it affects the outcome after the surgery. 

Autologous tissues is placed on tip can make natural look eliminating unnatural piggy look. septum cartilage, ear cartilage, costal cartilage can be used. For those who have thin skin or reoperation, autologous dermis or fascia might be needed as well. 

Septum cartilage 

Septum is cartilage which is located inside nostrils. It is harvested leaving the upper and front part to prevent from nose getting collapsed. 

It is used the most commonly, and doesn’t need additional incision since it can be taken inside nose, also can be used enough for tip plasty since the area is broad. 

But, the process requires skilled know how. 

Ear cartilage 

It has better elasticity than septum, and can be good material to make natural nose shape since it is similar as the cartilage of nose tip. Normally, it is harvest from back of ear, which doesn’t affect ear shape and has no function. 

Costal cartilage 

It is used when they have enough septum and ear cartilage. Costal cartilage has more area to be used and it is more stiff and harder, therefore, it is able to stand well. Since it has low side effect compared to artificial implant, it is used for revision surgery which can cause inflammation. 

However, it needs general anesthesia and leaves scar. Also, there might be stiff feel.

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Rhinoplasty Type of Implant

Contact info. 
Tel (English Hotline): +821091311916
E-mail: uvom@uvom.com