UVOM Plastic Surgery Face Contouring Before and After
UVOM Plastic Surgery Face Contouring Before and After
If you for example have angular mandible jaw, it can be cut off from the incision inside of the mouth. When doing this, it is important to shape the chin line harmonized to the face. Patients get scared about pain when they hear bone shaving. But it is like cutting off your nails. It won't hurt when you cut your nails, right? :) Bone does not have nerves so you don't feel pain. After the surgery, you'll stay 1 day at the hospital to drain the blood. After 1 week post op you'll be all recovered, recovered enough to go out with your friends for party!
UVOM Plastic Surgery Face Contouring Before and After
This is before and after of a patient who had zygoma reduction, mandible reduction, genioplasty, rhinoplasty revision, fat graft to the face.
Two major chin problems are retracted jaw or protruding chin. For the retracted jaw we could perform genioplasty by cutting off the tip of the chin bone and place it a little front position from original. Or you can opt for chin implant. About the protruding chin, the protruding part can simply be shaved off. Easier than you thought, right? :)
UVOM Plastic Surgery Face Contouring Before and After
This is before and after of a patient who has done zygoma reduction, mandible reduction, rhinoplasty revision, incisional double eye lid revision, epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, facial fat repositioning.
This is before and after photo of patient who has done zygoma reduction, genioplasty, non-incisional double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, rhinoplasty, facial fat repositioning.
How to perform your zygoma surgery depends on how big your zygoma is. Incision can be made either on your hairline or inside of your mouth. Once we get the access to the zygoma, the bone will be folded inside to make the width smaller. The change will be very noticeable. If you have lots of fat on your cheeks, it can also be removed by making incision in the mouth.
Forehead is important factor that determines your overall image. For forehead implant, a silicone implant will be made to fit your forehead. Incision will be made inside your hair line. Silicone implant will be inserted using endoscope to prevent nerve damage or bleeding. Even though the surgical method and equipments are well evolved, you should always go through thorough examination to prevent nerve damage or bleeding.
Contact info.
Tel (English Hotline): +821091311916