UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Male nose job rhinoplasty method

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Male nose job rhinoplasty method 

According to Korean survey, a number of males who had plastic surgery in recent one year has increased 30%. Also, the area for male patients is getting wider and more various. Dr. Lee of UVOM says, in terms of male rhinoplasty, the surgery was to correct deviated nose or scar treatment, but thesedays, they are getting double eyelid surgery, mandible reduction and even fillers for having softer looking face. 

Rhinoplasty can give you dramatic change in a short time, therefore, it is the most common plastic surgery among males. Here are types of male rhinoplasty that are commonly performed nowadays. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Male nose job rhinoplasty method 

Rhinoplasty which augments low nasal bridge 

= Augmenting with implant for low nasal bridge or autologous cartilage is a good way, and goretex, silicone or silitex can be used as foreign implant. 

Hump nose correction 

= Hump nose that can give masculine image is comprehensive deformity of nasal bone and septal cartilage. Nasal hump is usually located in the area which meets bone and cartilage, and it normally consists of more cartilage than bone. Thus, only trimming bone can’t relieve the hump but make it look more obvious. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Male nose job rhinoplasty method 

Deviated nose 

= it is easy to make face and inside of nose look asymmetric if you have deviated nose. Deviated nose surgery removes the protruding part of nasal bridge so that it can be straighter, and separates right and left sides and put them together in the center by osteotomy, and sometimes septum plasty can be done together when it’s needed. 

Wide nasal bridge correction 

= As wide nasal bone makes the actual height lower and the width look spread. 
Generally, the widest space of nasal bridge should be 80% of alars. If nasal bridge is too wide, and gets heightened, nose can look too big. Thus, for this case, osteotomy that reduces the width of nasal bridge can give sharper looking image and more defined nose.

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Male nose job rhinoplasty method 

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