UVOM Plastic Surgery Forehead Reduction

UVOM Plastic Surgery Forehead Reduction

Smaller face is preferred, people are seeking ways to achieve it. Patients come in to clinics looking for solution. If you have big cheek bone or developed jaw, facial contouring can improve your looks. But what if you have wide forehead? Can unproportional forehead be corrected?

UVOM Plastic Surgery Forehead Reduction

If your wide forehead is caused by hair falling, you can fix this buy hair transplant. But if you are born with wide forehead, a forehead reduction can be the solution. Forehead reduction is a surgery that makes incision through the hairline, removes excess skin on the forehead and pulls the scalp to the front. 1~2cm of correction is natural and effective in most cases.

UVOM Plastic Surgery Forehead Reduction

You might be worried about the scar. It is important to keep the incision mark well kept hidden. Incision mark can be nearly invisible by thoroughly fixing the scalp that is moved to front. For after 1~2 months of surgery the incision sight might look red. During 3~6 months period it will be healed to the natural skin color.

UVOM Plastic Surgery Forehead Reduction

Swelling and bruising can happen after the surgery. There can also be some loss of sense to the back of the scalp, caused by nerve damage to the incision line. Temporary hair loss due to the scalp movement is also possible. These are all temporary symptoms and will be back to normal in time.

Contact info.

Tel (English Hotline): +821091311916