UVOM Plastic Surgery Present 'youth' to your parents

UVOM Plastic Surgery Present 'youth' to your parents

Spring is season of family. We always hesitate what to get for your family. Because price for goods are becoming high, it is difficult to choose. One survey reveals that average budget for family present is about 300 dollars. What is more important and needed is the health and youth.

Considering you want to go low budget, you might think about some supplement pills. But it can hardly bring any effect on outer look. It is important to improve your inner health but your outer look is as important as well. How can we achieve rejuvenation for your parents?

Q. Is it common to gift 'rejuvenation procedures' to parents?

It is used to be considered that only woman undergoes rejuvenation procedures. But nowadays, older men also get such procedures, for example, some filler injection for rejuvenation. On parents day, it is common to see both father and mother receiving rejuvenation procedures.

Q. What is the most popular rejuvenation procedure for mothers?

In case of women, after their 20's, women's skin will undergo aging process because of skin and muscle aging. It will cause wrinkles around eyes, facial sagging, droopy eyelid and nasolabial fold. If you take good care of your skin, these can be improved by simple filler injection but if the wrinkle is deep it is better to use botox as well as fillers. With these simple injections wrinkles can be greatly improved.

Q. Do fathers receive rejuvenation procedures too?

They might be shy at first, but after seeing the result, most of them are happy to be received procedures. In case of men, their body fat grows but their facial fat goes away. While losing facial fat, wrinkles form and skin gets sagged. Overall look gets aged. We can improve this by simple filler injection to needed area and can achieve great result! 

Q. Is there reasons why you recommend filler injection? 

As we are all busy, it is preferred to have quick and simple procedure, something that can be done during the morning and can get back to work or daily life in the afternoon. If you don't like the outcome, it is easy to remove it as well. So most of people prefer this procedure.

Giving rejuvenation to your parents might be costly but it will bring enormous satisfaction to your loved ones :)

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