UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after 

Before surgery

She had angular jaw and strong cheekbones that made her look boyish and manly. 
To have more soft and girly face, she decided to have zygoma reduction, jaw reduction and genioplasty. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after

After 1 month

These are 1 month post operative surgery pictures.
Protruding cheekbones got smoother, and jawline has become softer without strong edge. Her entire facial structure turned out more symmetric and feminine. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after

After 6 months 

These are 6 months post operative pictures since zygoma reduction and V line surgery are done. The square jaw turned out beautiful and feminine. As the edges are not removed and over cut, her facial contour still looks natural even after jaw reduction. 
Since strong facial contour has changed into small and smooth, now she even looks younger. 

UVOM Plastic Surgery Korea Cheekbone reduction surgery V line surgery before and after
 Before surgery

 After 1 month

After 6 months

Contact info.
Tel (English Hotline): +821091311916